Youth Opportunity Scholarships

Bancroft and John Muir Middle School Students

San Leandro Education Foundation is excited to partner with the Youth Opportunity Scholarship program! This program is supported by a San Francisco-based family foundation that is interested in giving San Francisco and Oakland youth opportunities to develop and follow their passions.

What is the Youth Opportunity Scholarships program about?

The goal of the program is to help students pursue their passion. Students can apply for scholarships of up to $250 to pay for extracurricular activities of their choosing. Students should dream big and decide what they want to learn. Students can renew their scholarships one time for the same activity. Each student is eligible to receive a total of $500 in scholarship funds that pay for service fees, nothing else.

Who can apply?

Students in 6th-8th grade entering or attending Bancroft and John Muir Middle Schools. 5th graders may apply for summer camp in the spring or summer before entering the 6th grade, and 8th graders may apply during the summer before 9th grade.

What activities can I apply for?

Whatever you are excited about! Students can apply for scholarships to cover the cost of any program or activity that they would like to pursue. In the past, students have used the money for dance classes, music lessons, sports teams, creative arts courses, outdoor activities, and more.

A resource list of sample activities is provided, but students can apply for activities not included on the list. Please note: Checks are only issued to businesses or organizations. They cannot be made out to individuals. Please research the activity to ensure that the check can be made out to a business/organization.

How do I apply?

There are two parts to the application:

Part 1. The application form. The application form is where the student lists information about themselves, the activity they want to do, and information about their adult contact. The adult contact can be anyone (parent/guardian, sibling, counselor, etc.) who is willing to ensure regular attendance and coordinate transportation to/from the activity for the student. However, a parent/guardian signature is required on all applications.

Part 2. The personal essay. The essay is an essential part of the application. Students must write or type an essay that addresses each of the questions listed on the application form. Students can also include video, artwork, photos, or other items to illustrate their answers further.

Applications are accepted year-round. Applications can be completed online using this link: Youth Opportunity Scholarship Application

Please contact a parent facilitator for help with the application.

  • Jonathan Almendarez, Parent Facilitator, John Muir (
  • Joanna Garcia, Parent Facilitator, Bancroft MS (
  • SLED (

More information can be found on the full FAQ